An open letter to fans who thrashed steven spielberg over his comments about superheroes movies going the way of westerns.


To fellow fans,

     I have a life long love of movies and ‘superhero’ and ‘sci-fi’ have been on the top of favourite genres list. Thus when a guy like steven spielberg who revolutionised sci-fi with films like ‘E.T. : the extra-terrestrial’, ‘jurassic park’, ‘close encounters of third kind’  comments on the current explosion of superhero movies on the big screen, its a matter that definately concerns me.
        But what makes me feel more sad that supposed fans of comic books where majority of superheroes movies come from have taken this opportunity to thrash spielberg mostly without even understanding his comments.
   Steven spielberg says superhero
Movies will die off like westerns, meaning  that eventually their popularity will fade away, then also predicts the eventual return of superhero genre.  It doesnt mean that superhero movies will cease to exist. Die hard fans of the genre (including me) will definately watch them. But it is very logical and rational to assume that it wouldn’t be on as large scale as it is today. Genres often lose their popularity to other genres (sci-fi in 70s to action in 80s then to thrillers in 90s to superheros in 2000s,  etc.) Its only a matter of time. Only difference with the superhero movies is that they may stay popular for a longer time as their are decades of quality source material to draw from and more and more filmmakers are adapting them with their own fresh perspectives.
Steven Speilberg has worked for decades making movies that have been adored by worldwide audience. He invented ‘blockbuster’ cinema with ‘jaws’, which are what today’s superhero movies are. He definately has more knowledge about how the industry works than any of us. Even if you disagree with his opinion you should do it respectfully.
    So say no to douchbaggery, people.
                                               Yours truly,

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